Reed & Rush Clearance

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    Reed & Rush Clearance

    Reeds and Rushes are a welcome addition to the edges of any waterway doing an invaluable job of binding the banks, removing nutrients, providing habitat for wildlife and adding to the beauty of any water. Unfortunately these species of plant can also take over the water space and need careful managing.

    Norfolk Reeds and Bullrush are examples of highly invasive species wetland plant and they can have a huge impact on any watercourse by encroaching on the available water for sports activities and recreation.

    We would always advise digging out and removing the Ryzommes (roots) of the plant rather than just cutting below the surface. Cutting is a quick fix and is cheaper short term but will need doing regularly so it is far more expensive long term.

    Clearing reeds and rushes is one of the most satisfying jobs and we enjoy delivering this work for our clients. Our range of machines can offer multiple solutions to help manage and clear these aquatic plants, helping nature get back on track.

    Why Clear Reeds & Rushes

    • Poor Water Quality: Decomposing plant matter contributes to silt buildup and low oxygen levels.

    • Blocked Waterways: Dense growth can obstruct water flow and hinder navigation.
    • Ecosystem Imbalance: Excessive vegetation can crowd out native species and disrupt biodiversity.
    • Reduced Aesthetic Appeal: Overgrown reeds and rushes detract from the visual charm of your water body.

    Why Choose Digger Boats Ltd

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