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An effective silt & dredging solution at a reasonable cost

Silt removal is a highly specialised activity and can be expensive. With our bespoke machines we have developed an effective solution at a reasonable cost.

There are various ways to remove silt from your lake. The most effective way to ‘clean’ your lake bed is to drain all water and mechanically remove any spoil using traditional machinery. For most clients draining is not an option.

We can dredge and remove silt in two ways:


Our digger boat can dig down and scoop 95% pure silt from the lake bed removing waste and cleaning down to the gravel or clay beneath.

Silt Removal & Dredging
Silt Removal & Dredging

Silt Pumping

Our powerful dredging pump removes up to 5000 litres per minute!

The dredge uses a mechanical rotating mill which can be lowered up to 2.2 meters directly into the silt matter on the lake bed. The dredge head then agitates the silt and spoil allowing the silt and water mix to be removed at up to a massive 5000 litres per minute. The waste spoil can then be moved across large distances and deposited in holding areas far away from the lake.

Silt Pumping


Contact us today to see how we can help you.

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